Thursday 3 January 2019

Gunnedah Reborn - A New Start for (Part) of An Old Favourite

It was a little bit over 10 years ago when the original blog was launched, and at the time I hadn't have even gotten into model railways yet. Several years later I met the owner of the layout for the first time, which by now would've been 2 years ago.

Ever since I saw the layout I was amazed by it... I had my first go at running trains with DCC on that very layout, and the sounds are awe-inspiring. Though I only ever visited a few times before the owner's passing, it was always something I could look forward to, seeing the owner, talking trains with them, and running their layout.

The news of their passing was saddening, but, we all knew it was coming, just not as soon as it came. Later, I was offered to have the layout, and at first, I wasn't sure what to do. The layout was in a shed dedicated to it, and I simply didn't have the space for it, but nonetheless, I accepted, and I don't regret making that decision one bit. So, my dad and I went up and dismantled the layout, and transported it to it's new home.

From there we were faced with how to store it, and where we were going to put the layout when we're ready to set it up again. We came to the decision that a section of the layout was going to be used, whilst other parts will remain in storage, and the excess materials could be thrown out. We decided to clear a space out in our garage for a part of the layout, leaving the next challenge; selecting which part of the layout to use.

We looked over which parts would be the best to use, and we chose a section depicting Gunnedah itself, on a corner, ideal for the space we had available. The new layout will take up an area of 2800 x 2800 mm. Since then we have bought racks and cabinets for the layout to sit atop, and have cleared a space to put them. We have also began reassembling the layout's framework, and once this is done, the section of track can be put in its rightful place. Though as of currently the stuff that previously occupied the space the layout now accommodates will need to be sorted out, as the layout is barely accessible. Once we are able to sort out the issue and plan further... Well, that is for the future to tell...

Above: Highlighted in green is one of the sections to be reused in the new layout. (From: Gunnedah and Beyond)
Above: The racks and cabinetry which the layout will sit atop. Note the gym set of the right which is yet to be moved and dismantled. The benchtops are roughly at waist-height.
Above: A lazer level was used to ensure the cabinets and benchtops were at at the right height. A spirit level was used to make sure they were at a flat 90 degrees. Note the height difference between the bench and the rack, which has since been fixed.
Above: The assembled section of the layout as of currently. Another will need to be built on the other side before placing the track sections on the layout.


  1. Secretary - AMRA WAJanuary 21, 2019 at 2:07 PM

    Dylan, Although we don't know you we in WA are impressed by your commitment to the Railway Modelling. We would love to hear from time to time and hear how you are going and if you can supply us with pictures that would be great.
    We at AMRA WA have a few young people who come along and are railway enthusiasts. We cater for all modelling from SN 3.5 (West Australian) and British and American layouts. If you ever get the chance to visit WA please feel free to come and visit us at our clubrooms you will be made most welcome. Our address is 24 Moojebing St., Bayswater.
    Lynn Nicholls

  2. Well Done Dylan and your dad. Thank you once again
